Trail Projects for Bid
Below is a list of projects that have been submitted to the PTBA for bid. Please respond directly to the listing agency for further information or to submit your bid. The PTBA has no control or input into the contracting or solicitation of these projects. We list them strictly as a service to our members and the trail building industry.
Prineville, Oregon. 66 Expansion
Seeking builders for approximately 1 mile of 5-7% average grade, 48 inch width on average, with no less than 36 inch width at any time, multiuse trail
Construction of Pole Mountain Trails - Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, Laramie Wyoming
Trail construction project of approximately 17,000 linear feet of system trails
John Day Bike Park Phase 1, OR
specified trail construction for approximately 1.5 miles of mountain bike trails located at a new bike park
3 miles of progressive Singletrack trails in Sierra Vista Park a City of Reno, Nevada Park
Field Design & Construction Management
field design and construction management services for mountain bike trails to be constructed in the IRRR service area.
Northern Michigan Mountain Bike Trail
The project is for 5.6 miles of intermediate level mountain bike specific single-direction trails
The Laurentian Mountain Biking Venues — Northeast Minnesota
New Release: 90+ trail project - sign up to receive RFP
Jakes Rocks Mountain Bike Trail Construction- Phase 3
This project involves the construction of approximately 8.15 miles of mountain bike-optimized natural surface trails within the Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania
Trail Construction Services: Howard County, MD
Howard County, Maryland seeks one or more qualified professional, trail construction firms to furnish on-call trail construction services for existing and new trail projects on County-owned park and open space lands.
Northen Minnesota MTB Trail
The project is a 15-17 mile wilderness purpose-built singletrack mountain bike trail.
Tutka Backdoor Access and Continuity, Homer AK
Catawba River Trail, NC
Approximately 3900 ft of 4ft wide natural surface trail along the Catawba River in Fort Mill, SC. The trail construction will include 3 boardwalks totaling 300 ft and two bridges totaling 100 ft. There will be a section that may require crushed concrete or gravel.
Columns Trail Extension Alignment/Installation, Eugene, OR
Align and install an approximately .07 mile long, 30” wide gravel surface trail with a section of timber steps and galvanized post and cable rails to the west summit of Skinner Butte.
Trail Master Plan – Clear Creek Open Space at Floyd Hill
The goal is to complete a singletrack trail system managed as non-motorized, mixed-use trails serving mountain bikers, hikers and runners.