Apply for Membership

Eligibility for PTBA Membership

  • As the trade association for the trail industry, only private sector companies are eligible for PTBA membership.

  • A majority amount of the company’s work must be in trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, or industry related business activities (defined by percent of gross revenue and/or people hours worked).

  • All applicants must have a PTBA Member Company Sponsor.

  • All applicants must meet all New Member Criteria (see below).

upcoming deadline: 10/11/24 and 1/17/2025

If your company sells products that support the trail industry (i.e. tools, equipment, bridges, trail counters, etc), the PTBA Vendor Network might be a good fit!

Application Process

Step 1: This application form will generate a private web page for your applicant company that will serve as your portfolio application. PTBA will send you a link to this page with further directions.

Step 2: Applicants can customize the About page with pictures and information about your company and employees.

Step 3: Applicants must upload required documentation which includes:

  • PTBA Member company sponsor letter

  • 3+ letters of recommendation from clients/partners (dated within the last 5 years)

  • Project Experience Documentation (details below)

  • Resume/CV of the qualifier/owner

Step 4: All applications will be rigorously reviewed by the Membership Committee and the membership at large who will follow-up with the applicant with questions or clarifications.

Step 5: All applicants will do a 5-10 minute presentation on their application materials allowing opportunity to connect with other members and for questions to be answered directly (rather than via email).

Step 6: The Membership committee will recommend companies for membership and their application will be voted on by the PTBA membership (completed typically within 2 months of the deadline).

New Member Criteria (and Required Documentation)

Applicant Companies must comply with all specific new member criteria in order to be considered for membership. As befits a professional trade organization, significant importance will be given to demonstrated experience/ability, as well as to adherence to trail industry recognized best management practices. New member companies are expected to not only be skilled with trails, but also to comport themselves and run their companies as fair, honest, and ethical contractors and business people.

Form of Business

  • The applicant must demonstrate that they are the owner or legal representative of a for profit entity which is generating income from work in the trail industry. This person will be the company’s qualifier.

  • A majority amount of the applicant's work in that business must be in trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, or industry related business activities (i.e. education and training, general consulting, planning and design related to trails, GIS work related to trails and/or bike parks). Majority can be defined by percent of gross revenue and/or people hours worked.

  • Any form of business is acceptable, but it must be legally created and registered in the state (or states) in which they base their operation.

  • The applicant business must have been formed and active for at least three years prior to the date of application.

    • Documentation:

      • CV/Resume of the Qualifier

      • Certificate of good standing (or equivalent) to document form of business and when formed


  • The applicant must demonstrate, through its Industry references and PTBA sponsor letter, that it operates honestly, ethically, and seeks to avoid conflicts of interest in their business dealings.

  • Applicants must have a demonstrated history of fair dealing and integrity in the trail industry.

  • To proactively prevent a potential conflict of interest, no owner, partner or shareholder in an applicant business may concurrently be a government employee with an agency which is involved in trail management. (See bylaws for complete details.)

    • Documentation:

      • The applicant must submit a minimum of 3 letters of reference from clients or partners (at least one within the last 3 years and two within the last 5 years). This is in addition to the letter from the PTBA sponsor.


  • The applicant must demonstrate competence in the basics of the trail specialties in which the company is working. In particular, the applicant must possess not only a working knowledge, but have shown the ability to translate that knowledge into finished projects.

  • The applicant must have had three years of professional trail experience before being considered for full membership. Prior work with another trail contractor or land managing agency responsible for managing trails will be considered.

  • The applicant must have a demonstrated ability to bid and manage contracts, and to satisfactorily complete projects. A minimum of 3 contracts as a lead contractor or 5 contracts as a sub-contractor (preferred to sub contract to another PTBA member) is required.

    • Documentation:

      • The applicant can upload project experience documents (i.e. company’s SOQ) to their applicant webpage as one document.

      • For each project, include: Project Name; Project Location; Client (Company/Agency Name, Contact Name & Title, Phone & Email; Project Description; Contracted Scope; Completion Deadline per Contract; Actual Completion Date; and Photo Documentation of each project. If it is a subcontract, please also include that contact information as well.

PTBA Member Sponsor

  • Each new member applicant must be sponsored by an existing PTBA Contractor Member. The sponsor must have been a PTBA Contractor Member in good standing for at least two years prior to the date of application.

  • The sponsor must be familiar with the work of the applicant. Specifically, the sponsor should have actually seen and reviewed the applicant's work in its final form. Ideally, the sponsor will also have seen at least one of the applicant's projects while in progress, in order to observe the applicant's expertise and professionalism while on the job. Preferably, the sponsor will also have worked directly with the applicant on at least one project.

  • The applicant is encouraged to apply, with a PTBA Member Contractor sponsor, who works in a related trail expertise. For example, a business that is focused on GIS technology and its application within the Industry, is encouraged to seek a PTBA Member Contractor which has similar professional experience in the Industry.

    • Documentation:

      • The application must include a letter from the PTBA member sponsor.


  • Applicants will be asked to do a 5-10 minute presentation on the application materials, specifically:

    • Background of company (form of business, when formed, etc)

    • Qualifier background

    • Project Experience

    • Q&A

  • This was re-instated in 2024 to enable better connection and opportunity to answer questions about the application materials directly.

Member Dues

Annual member dues are paid upon acceptance. Following that annual member dues are paid by January 31 of each calendar year. Current member dues are: $325 per year

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would a current member sponsor my company if I am likely to compete directly with that company in the future?

Every company member in the association has been nominated and sponsored by another member, who have most likely been both partners and competitors. The PTBA promotes free, fair and open bidding of all trail projects. Every member realizes that they compete against other members of the PTBA. However, every member also realizes that the industry is strengthened by this process, and all members benefit from the promotion of this system.

 Am I required to have attended a PTBA conference previous to my application for membership?

It is not a requirement, but it is highly encouraged. Conferences are an excellent opportunity to meet existing members and learn how PTBA operates.

What if my company has a trail department, but a significant amount of the business is not in trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, or industry related business activities?

The PTBA membership committee is working to see if there is an alternative pathway for this scenario, but it is not currently being applied. Email for more information and for up to date information.

What if I can not find a current company member to sponsor my company?

There are a few ways to build a relationship with a PTBA member company:

  1. Look for opportunities to partner with current PTBA member companies

  2. Invite a current PTBA member in your region to view your work.

  3. Attend a PTBA conference and network with current PTBA trailbuilders.