PTBA Training

2025 International Trails Summit
PTBA and American Trails will co-host the International Trails Summit (ITS) in Madison, Wisconsin April 15-17, 2025!

2025 PTBA Conference: Oceania Edition
Join PTBA for the Oceania edition of the PTBA Sustainable Trails Conference in December 2025! We are headed to Derby, Tasmania for 3 days of education, connection, and exploration of this amazing town and trails.
We are excited to start planning in partnership with our local partners and regional PTBA members!
More info to come!

2026 Sustainable Trails Conference
Join PTBA for 2.5 days of technical training, collaborative education, international networking, field-based learning, and trail exploration!

Navigating NEPA in Trail Development
Navigating the regulatory waters from trail plan through construction can be a daunting process, especially on federal lands when the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies. This webinar is a deeper dive into NEPA as an extension of a past webinar: Approvals, Permitting and Compliance (2023).

Fundamentals of Aggregate Surface Trails
After a general introduction to various types of trail surfacing, this webinar will focus on design and construction factors specific to aggregate surfaced trails.

Basic Soil Mechanics for Trailbuilding
This session will provide applicable knowledge of soil including soil description, grain size distribution and its measurement, clay plasticity, and compaction curves and the importance of water.

Trail Competencies and Skills
Speakers will discuss the update, process, and the new skill breakouts for each competency as well as how they are being used for program and curriculum development, workforce development efforts, bolstering trail stewardship capacity, and professionalization of the trail industry.

PTBA Track at the Great Trails State Conference
We are excited to announce a PTBA track as part of the 2024 Great Trails State Conference in September!

Sustainable Trails Conference
PTBA is excited that our 2024 Sustainable Trails Conference will be in Georgia this year - for the first time!

Trail Assessment for Accessibility and Sustainability
This webinar will explore the process of assessing natural surface pedestrian trails for accessibility and sustainability. The presentation will focus on developing new trails as well as conversion of existing trails.

Risk Management During Trail Construction
This webinar will discuss best practices to reduce risk to your trail crew, company, agency, or organization during trail construction activities.

Trail Planning and Design: Foundations of Success
This webinar will review several common approaches and technologies and provide attendees with real world examples of trail planning and design projects. Additionally, we’ll explore the phases of trail planning and design and the specific outputs associated with: trail feasibility studies, conceptual plans, master plans, field design and specification.

Approvals, Permits, and Compliance: Navigating the Regulatory Waters from Trail Plan Through Construction
Navigating the regulatory waters from trail plan through construction can be a daunting process. This webinar will walk through the typical processes, jurisdictions, timelines, and documentation needed to get a conceptual trail project through approval and implementation. From local ordinances, to state level land disturbance, and federal Corps of Engineers and NEPA, participants will be primed to ask the right questions, find the assistance they need, and get a project through the various regulatory spaces required to complete a trail project.

International Trails Summit
The Professional TrailBuilders Association and American Trails will join forces to co-host the International Trails Summit (a collaborative effort of the 25th International Trails Symposium and Training Institute and the Sustainable Trails Conference) in Reno, Nevada April 17 - 20 , 2023.
The combined, high-impact event will convene a diverse trail and outdoor community to learn, build relationships, and find solutions to the challenges of developing and elevating outdoor recreation opportunities for all. The joint conference will also feature the World Trails Network – Hub for the Americas.

Sustainable Trails Conference Bentonville, AR
Join the PTBA in Bentonville, AR for outstanding workshops, an engaging conference agenda, great exhibitors and hands-on learning!

Mechanized Trailbuilding - A Primer
Through a combination of field footage and expert speakers, this webinar will provide a primer on mechanized trailbuilding equipment including Mini-Excavators, Trail Dozers, Tracked Dumpers and Haulers, Skid Steers/Mini Skid Steers, and Compactors.

Developing a Trail Competency Framework
Join the webinar to learn about this project, opportunities created by shared language, trail competencies as part of trail education and career pathways, the academically-led survey process that will vet the trail competencies, and how you can get involved. In addition to presentations, the webinar will include an opportunity for Q+A.

From SOQ to IDIQ: Trail Contracting Models
This webinar will explore different trail contracting models. Speakers will discuss the contractual elements of trail design and trail construction, bidding models, and hybrid opportunities with volunteers and/or youth corps. Speakers will address typical confusions and pros/cons of a range of models for trail contracting. The session will include a 15 minute facilitated Q+A session.

Sustainable Trails Conference - Bentonville, AR
Join the PTBA in Bentonville, AR for outstanding workshops, an engaging conference agenda, great exhibitors and hands-on learning!

Sustainable Trails Conference - Grand Junction, CO
Join the PTBA in Grand Junction, CO for outstanding workshops, an engaging conference agenda, great exhibitors and hands-on learning!
Sustainable Trails Conference - Stonewall Resort, WV
Join the PTBA at Stonewall Resort in Roanoke WV for outstanding workshops, an engaging conference agenda, great exhibitors and hands-on learning!

Sustainable Trails Workshops, Sessions and Trade Show - Dayton, OH
Following up on the success of our partnership in Portland, OR in 2015, we are proud to announce that the PTBA will once again partner with the American Trails International Trails Symposium in Dayton, OH. We will offer a technical track of Concurrent Sessions at the Symposium, as well as a Trailbuilders Outdoor Trade Show and a series of Sustainable Trails Workshops resulting in a Legacy Trail. Don't miss this great partnership opportunity to meet all of your varied trail needs.

Sustainable Trails Conference - Bend, OR
Join the PTBA in Bend for outstanding workshops, an engaging conference agenda, great exhibitors and some of the best trails in the Pacific Northwest!

Sustainable Trails Workshop - Stonewall, WV
Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV is within 6 hours of almost everywhere on the East Coast. Join the highly skilled instructors from the PTBA in a series of workshops oriented around trail construction, design and maintenance skills.

Sustainable Trails Conference - Knoxville, TN
The Sustainable Trails Conference is very excited to announce that we will be heading to Knoxville, TN to offer the absolute must attend conference for anyone involved in trails construction, maintenance, design, development and use.