Wood County Parks & Recreation Commission- Mountwood Park
Wood County Parks & Recreation Commission- Mountwood Park
Flow Trail Construction
The Wood County Parks & Recreation Commission is seeking a contractor to provide labor, supervision, materials and equipment to perform specified trail construction for a flow trail at Mountwood Park. Bids for this flow trail construction project will be accepted in a lump sum format
Mountwood Park is located in Wood County, West Virginia, 12 miles east of the U.S. 50 and I-77 interchange in Parkersburg. The park is comprised of over 4,000 owned and managed acres. Mountwood Park exhibits a moderate degree of topographical relief. Slopes are slight to moderate ranging from 2 to over 50%. There are approximately 35 miles of single-track trails in the park’s hiking and mountain-biking non-motorized, human-powered trail network. These trails are typically natural-surface trails approximately 18-24 inches wide with some partially gravel 8-10 feet wide trail.
The trail work described in this scope of work is for one (1) corridor of moderate-level rolling contour flow trail. This trail corridor is accessible from the Mountwood Park Shelters #2 and #3 parking lot beside Volcano Rd. at its lower-elevation trailhead, and at the mid-point of the Mountwood Park Horse Camp access road at its upper trailhead.
1. The Contractor shall construct one (1) corridor of bi-directional rolling contoured mountain bike-specific flow trail. All new trail construction is shown on the attached map and GPX file. The approximate length of all segments is 5,475 linear feet. Trail lengths are estimates based on GPS data collection along the flagged corridor of the trail.
a. Segment 1: This segment consists of an approximately 175-foot bench-cut modification to an existing trail that will provide access from trailhead parking to Segment 2. This segment will be constructed to allow this trail section to conform to International Mountain Biking Association trail construction standards for maximum-sustainable grade.
b. Segment 2: Construct approximately 5,300 linear feet of new, two‐way directional, rolling, moderate-rated flow trail. Relatively smooth tread is expected with a firm natural trail surface over approximately 250 feet of elevation change. Rollers (either constructed or that take advantage of existing terrain contours) and turns with berms (12 total) predominate.
2. All flow trail construction shall be on either flat or side slope terrain within a 20-foot lateral distance on either side of the flagged corridor. Deviation from this distance shall be approved in advance by the Park Manager or their designee. Special care and consideration is required on portions of this trail segment that traverse the vicinity of archeologically-sensitive sites. Contractor shall note that careful attention needs to be made to the location of flagging on sections where the trail needs to fit into the existing terrain. Trail construction shall incorporate grade reversals, knicks, rolling-grade dips, rollers, rolling berms or other low maintenance drainage devices on 20-50-foot intervals.
3. A finished trail tread width of 36-60 inches maximum for Segments 1 and 2 shall be maintained throughout the project.
4. Trail grades shall not exceed 10% except on short distances to get around barriers, create a sustainable feature, or to avoid sensitive sites. Trail grade may exceed 10% on short intervals within the flagged corridor due to steep terrain and elevation changes needed to connect control points.
5. All side hill trails shall be bench cut with a 5-7% out slope ensuring positive drainage.
6. Vegetation clearing required for trail construction is all that will be required. The Contractor will provide a "clean" rough finish in which all tread shaping, out slope, back slope, and movements of earth will be done by machine. As well, any necessary “borrow pits” for trail construction will be approved in advance by the park director or his agent and will be done in a manner that allows for minimally erosive drainage and the prevention of water accumulation. Volunteers and/or park staff will complete corridor clearing before, during, and after completion of the trail as needed. Additionally, light finishing work, any necessary wood structure construction, trail grooming, and signage will be completed by volunteers and/or park staff.
7. All trail work will be done according to the specifications contained in the 2004 edition of the IMBA Trail Solutions Guide and the 2007 edition of the USDA Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook. Refer to these publications for details and descriptions of trail maintenance and construction.
A. Perform trail work using hand tools and small mechanized equipment.
B. Meet with a designated park representative at the beginning of each work week or as arranged to review projects and project expectations for the week.
A. Proof of experience and/or expertise for building flow trails on terrain similar to that of Mountwood Park. This can be in the form of references, or a portfolio of at least 3 trail contracts completed within the past 5 years.
B. A member of PTBA Professional Trail Builders Association or equivalent.
C. A crew experienced in construction and maintenance of back-country trails and in sustainable trail design.
D. The necessary supervision, equipment, and tools to perform specified trail maintenance and trail construction on identified trails, including gas for any mechanized equipment or tools, including any and all personal protection and safety equipment required.
E. An approximate timetable and schedule of required work
F. Competent technicians, supervised by a competent foreman adhering to all OSHA rules and regulations.
H. Food and water during the workday.
I. Transportation to the trail work site.
J. Contractor will provide Mountwood Park with a copy of contractor's current insurance policy and will show Mountwood Park as Additional Insured.
A. Desired finished trail width is a maximum of 60 inches wide or what can safely accommodate Sutter 300 Trail Dozer, Ditchwitch SK-500, SK-600, mini excavator, skid-steer loader or equivalent machine.
B. Trucks or cars (passenger vehicles) are not permitted on the trails except for the Mountwood Park roads which can accommodate trucks and small equipment for access purposes.
C. Work should be conducted during the week, unless otherwise arranged with the park staff.
D. Any trail work must be consistent with the character of Mountwood Park and minimize impacts to the natural and cultural resources surrounding the identified trails.
1.6 MOUNTWOOD PARK WILL PROVIDE: a designated staff contact person/project manager that will meet with the Contractor at the beginning and end of each workweek to review project progress, and to be available for information throughout the work week if needed.
A. A lakeside cabin with sleeping capability of 4 people during the construction timeframe, based upon cabin availability.
B. Reference Material for IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) trail standards and the 2007 edition of the USDA Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook.
C. Flagging of those sections prior to arrival of the Contractor.
1.8 PROJECT COMPLETION: Work will be completed by April 15, 2018.
1.9 SITE VISIT: A site visit may be arranged with park management present prior to bid submission. Please contact the park manager, Jeremy Cross, at 304.588.0916 to arrange a visit.
2. FINAL INSPECTION: At the conclusion of the work, the contractor shall demonstrate
to the Mountwood Park’s director that the work is fully complete and in compliance with contract specifications. Any deficiencies shall be promptly and permanently corrected by the contractor at the contractor’s sole expense prior to final acceptance of the work.