Lobanillo Swales Trail Construction Contract, TX
Project Title: Lobanillo Swales Trail Construction Contract
Project Solicitation Number (if any):
Project Description: El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association (ELCAT) desires to have a loop hiking trail, approximately ¼ mile long by 36” wide, built at ELCAT property, the Lobanillo Swales located approximately three miles west of Geneva, Texas off of Highway 21 in Sabine County, Texas. ELCAT also requires: 1) The installation of three interpretive panels and a bench to be installed at the trailhead, 2) Installation of a plaque at the trailhead honoring donors to the site, 3) Installation of an official NPS site identification sign at the entrance of the property, and 4) The covering of up to three archaeological features (sets of stones), which measure between four to eight feet in length, with protective mesh and local soil acquired from the Lobanillo Swales site.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Steven Gonzales
Email Address: steven@elcaminorealdelostejas.org
Closest City to Project: San Augustine
State/Province/Region: Texas
Country: US
Pre-Bid Meeting Date:
Pre-Bid Meeting Time:
Anticipated Project Start Date: 2/20/2018
Application Deadline: 1/15/2018
Additional Project Bid Information: For questions, please contact Steven Gonzales at (512) 743-1967 or steven@elcaminorealdelostejas.org.