Why Join?

Why do companies join PTBA?

Our member companies told us why they joined in a recent survey.

Networking, training, support, and camaraderie

We joined PTBA to be better recognized as legitimate professionals in the industry and for connecting with our peers within the PTBA network

To learn, share, and be inspired by others in the trails industry

To gain credibility and access learning opportunities

For representation and legitimization of a unique career path and industry

To connect with and learn from more experienced peers

The opportunity to learn from trail builders in other parts of the country and to be a part of a respected organization

To demonstrate professional acumen in the trailbuilding industry

At first, to qualify for bids that were increasingly requiring certification of some kind, and now, to be a part of a stellar group of companies that we are proud to be associated with.

To be among peers that want to progress the industry

PTBA represents the best of the best...it has a rigorous acceptance process.

For further training to learn new ideas, tools, and ways of improving performance in the profession of trail building.

Some bids ask about PTBA membership to demonstrate professionalism

Connecting with the PTBA network of member companies - who are at times my collaborators and at other times my competitors

Application Process

PTBA is the trade association for the trail industry and represents private-sector companies who do the majority of their work in trails.

The application process is rigorous with a portfolio submission that includes project experience, reference letters, and PTBA member company sponsorship. The membership committee reviews submissions, follows with clarifying questions, and recommends qualified companies for membership. This is followed by an all member e-vote. The process takes ~6 weeks after the deadline (typically 2/year).

Member Benefits

Professionally Vetted by Peers

  • PTBA acceptance and membership is a tangible way to demonstrate a company’s professionalism and quality in bids and client relations

  • Companies listed on Find a Trailbuilder Map which is PTBA’s most highly searched and visited webpage

Member-only Communication Platform (App + Desktop)

  • RFP’s posted and sent directly via email

  • Members can pose questions to the group

  • Information shared by PTBA about national/international initiatives and efforts

  • ProDeal eligibility and directions

  • Upcoming trail events

PTBA Conferences

  • PTBA members are featured as speakers at events

  • Member discounts for attendance and exhibiting

Member-only education

  • PTBA offers 3-4 webinars each year for only members on business topics (i.e. insurance, OSHA, case law, and bonding)

  • Webinars notes and recordings (when available) are posted on the member only communications platform

Business Tools, Partnerships + Templates

  • Access to templates that member companies can customize, most recently Safety Program Templates

  • Experts who lead webinars are resources for PTBA members after presentations

  • PTBA continually works to create resources in the areas of HR, contracting, client education, and insurance

Membership Organization

  • PTBA is a member-driven organization with many ways for members to volunteer and help drive initiatives

PTBA is a leader in the Trail Industry

  • PTBA has taken a leadership role in many national/international initiatives, most recently the development of the Trail Competencies and the Trail Skills Project, in partnership with federal agencies, national nonprofits, and universities

  • PTBA is collaborating to develop a BLS code in trailbuilding

  • PTBA is collaborating to develop state-level and federal-level apprenticeship programs

  • PTBA is an active member of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable