The Trail Competency Initiative seeks to define shared language around trail skills and expertise. Currently, US Forest Service, American Trails, the Professional TrailBuilders Association (PTBA), and Indiana University’s Eppley Center are launching a robust stakeholder outreach process associated with developing competency language. Join the webinar to learn about this project, opportunities created by shared language, trail competencies as part of trail education and career pathways, the academically-led survey process that will vet the trail competencies, and how you can get involved. In addition to presentations, the webinar will include an opportunity for Q+A.
Learning Objectives
Understand the Trail Competency Initiative’s goals and vision.
Understand the process of defining competencies, including the stakeholder outreach process.
Understand how Trail Competencies will support trail education and career pathways in trails.
Understand how the Trail Community Map will incorporate Trail Competencies.
Aaryn Kay, Executive Director, Professional TrailBuilders Association
Mike Passo, Executive Director, American Trails
This webinar is free to the public, thanks to a generous sponsorship from PTBA and the Federal Highway Administration. We have partnered with American Trails through their Advancing Trails Webinar Series.