Trail Projects for Bid
Below is a list of projects that have been submitted to the PTBA for bid. Please respond directly to the listing agency for further information or to submit your bid. The PTBA has no control or input into the contracting or solicitation of these projects. We list them strictly as a service to our members and the trail building industry.
The project includes approximately 28 miles of construction.
Round Top to T-Hill Connector Trail 2022 - WY
Construction of approximately ±7,000’ of new, natural surface, non-motorized trail. The work also includes the purchase and installation of six 12” culverts with armored wing walls, 120’ of armored trail, and four fence crossings.
Algoma Trail Network - Sault Ste. Marie Ontario
Project Description: Tourism Sault Ste. Marie is looking to expand the City's current mountain bike trail network, with a combination of flow trails, enduro and modern xc tech/flow trails. We are soliciting bids for the construction of trails. The bid document is separated into phases with the contractor having the ability to bid on one or more phases. Work can be split between 2022 and 2023 if required.
Bluff Creek Park Rehab and Expansion - OK
Project Goals: Repair the eroded sections of the trail to enhance the sustainability of the trail system.
Develop 3-6 miles of new trail with features such as berms, small jumps, and drops where possible; Repairs to eroded sections may include reroutes around old sections. Reroutes and new trail should flow without excessive tight turns.
Hammond Ridge Trail Construction - Phase 2 - ME
Construction of ~4 miles of non-motorized, bike-optimized, shared-use trails on Hammond Ridge, located near Millinocket, ME.
Montevallo, Alabama XCO race course design
The University intends to construct a purpose built, cross country mountain-biking race venue. The proposed project scope of work will consist of design, and layout, of a cross country race venue near, or close to the standards set by the UCI. This includes but is not limited to, rock drops, in-sloped turns, dedicated passing zones, and rock gardens. Within this design, standard principles of sustainability must be applied.
Trail Construction and Improvements, Dupont State Forest, NC
The Hooker Creek Trail Reroute, Short Reroute Sections on Ridgeline Trail, and Trail Maintenance and Improvement on Hooker Creek, Ridgeline, Jim Branch, Hickory Mountain Loop, Isaac Heath, and Locust Trails is a proposed reroute in addition to trail improvements on existing trails at DuPont State Recreational Forest in Transylvania/Henderson Counties, NC. The rerouted section of Hooker Creek Trail will be a gently graded and meandering multiple use trail, used by equestrians, hikers, and cyclists that may be traveled in both directions.
Laramie Middle School Trail - WY
The proposed trail is approximately 2500 feet long by 24 inches wide and will be constructed of in-fill material that will tolerate regular irrigation as the proposed trail circles irrigated practice fields. The proposed trail will include features such as berms, log skinnies, rollers, and rock gardens.
Kingsbury Stinger OHV Trail - Realignment - Stateline, NV
Build approximately 1.5 miles of new multi-use (ATV/moto/bike/hike/equestrian) trail to realign the bottom of the Kingsbury Stinger OHV Trail. Approximately 0.25 miles of this trail will have table top jumps, rollers and berms incorporated.
Lost Lake Connector - New Trail Construction - Tahoma, CA
Build up to 5 miles of new multi-use (biker, hiker, equestrian allowed use) singletrack from Highway 89 to the Lost Lake Trail.
Superior Hiking Trail -- Boardwalk Replacement at Sundling Creek and Jonvic Creek
The SHTA is posting RFPs for two similar boardwalk installation projects, one located at Sundling Creek (200') and one at Jonvic Creek (232'), along with some additional construction at both sites.
Superior Hiking Trail - Poplar River Reroute
~ 0.75 miles reroute near the Poplar River in Lutsen. The new route has been professionally laid out and flagged. Most of the work will involve tread construction, but there is an estimated 320 feet (in six separate locations) of wooden structure construction necessary to cross small drainages and streams.
Quarry Park Pump Track - San Mateo County, CA
The County of San Mateo, Parks Department, is seeking bids for the construction of a bike pump track at Quarry Park.
Yawgoo Pond Trail Boardwalk - RI
To retain our singular public access to this popular 2 mi. hiking trail, our project would necessarily re-route approximately 850' of trail into a wetland shrub-swamp. Best practices must be utilized per SKLT and RI DEM to protect sensitive wetland plants and soils. Approximately 700' of the trail will have to be an elevated boardwalk due to the swamp conditions.
Trowbridge Forest Trail Construction Project: Gravity Trails Phase - Ontario
The final phase of the Trowbridge Forest Masterplan, the Gravity Zone includes the construction of approximately 4,500 meters of trail composed of six segments
Trail Design + Management Plan at Ft Ticonderoga - NY
The proposed project will create a plan for construction upgrades and maintenance to Fort Ticonderoga’s current 1.7 mile battlefield trail as well as mapping and construction plans for new trail sections.
Trail Construction on PA DCNR state forest lands (Rothrock State Forest)
The Friends of Rothrock and Pennsylvania Parks and Forest Foundation (PPFF) are seeking proposals from professional trail contractors to construct approximately 7.3 miles of natural surface trail in Musser Gap on PA DCNR state forest lands (Rothrock State Forest).
Pre-Qualification for Hawkins Loop Trail Completion - Boise ID
The City of Boise Parks and Recreation Department is preparing a proposal specification for a RFQ 22-111 Hawkins Loop Trail Completion and is seeking to pre-qualify potential proposers.
Qualifications Based Selection for Alpine Hills Adventure Park Multi-Use Trails – Phase 1 - Illinois
Project Description: The Rockford Park District invites firms to submit Statement of Qualifications and
Performance Information to provide design and construction services associated with the
development of Phase 1 of the Alpine Hills Adventure Park Multi-Use Trails.
Northeast Greenway Initiative and Scajaquada Creek Trail Extension - Buffalo, NY
GObike Buffalo is seeking a consultant (or team of consultants) with expertise in multimodal transportation, trails and greenways planning, traffic and civil engineering, landscape architecture and urban design to prepare a community-driven plan for the Northeast Greenway Initiative and Scajaquada Creek Trail Extension.