Trail Design and Construction in Missouri

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: Design and Construction: Gans Creek Trail Development

Project Solicitation Number (if any): 44/2024

Project Description: This document constitutes a request for proposals (RFP) for the design and construction of up to eight (8) miles of surface trail development at the Gans Creek Recreation Area in Columbia, Missouri (hereinafter referred to as the City). The city seeks an offeror employing highly qualified personnel with extensive experience and expertise in delivering work of the nature described herein and providing full service design build services.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: City of Columbia

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Michelle Sorensen

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Columbia

State/Province/Region: MO

Country: USA

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date:

Application Deadline:

Additional Project Bid Information:

Date Submitted to PTBA: January 22, 2024


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