Town of Pagosa Springs - Reservoir HIll Phase 2B
Town of Pagosa Springs, CO
Reservoir HIll Phase 2B.
Pre-proposal meeting January 28th at 9 AM Bids due: February 5 at 5:00 PM
Contact: Scott Lewandowski
Special Projects Manager,Town of Pagosa Springs
970-264-4151 ext
The Owner seeks to design, layout and construct .7 miles (4,000 linear ft +/-) of new single-track trails on reservoir hill in Pagosa springs, Colorado.
The Town of Pagosa Springs and its project partner, DUST2, have obtained a grant funded trail crew from the Southwest conservation corps (SWCC), which will be an active participant of this project for a two-week period. SWCC trail crew has not been scheduled at the time of this bid solicitation and will require a coordinated scheduling effort between all parties.
The contractor will need to lay out the trail in such a way as to meet the following Town goals:
a) Provide a riding experience enjoyable for both beginning and intermediate level riders.
b) Provide a user experience which is exceptional and memorable, thereby advancing the Town’s reputation as an outstanding outdoor recreation destination.
c) Take advantage of the scenic vistas afforded by the topography while minimizing as much as possible the visual impact of the trail
d) Provide adequate sight line and properly built trail intersections to avoid potential different user group conflicts.
e) On directional trails, provide a trail alignment and trail features which keep cyclist’s speed in check, thereby minimizing potential injuries.