Carson City 5th Street Trails Project

Project Title: Carson City 5th Street Trails Project

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: The Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department is soliciting for professional services for the repair, realignment, and construction of the non-motorized trail system adjacent to the 5th Street Trailhead on the Prison Hill Recreation Area. The project is partially funded with a federal grant through the Recreational Trails Program.

This project seeks to repair and realign existing abandoned dirt roads to create a non-motorized, multi-use, sustainable, natural-surface trail with an average width of 48”, and no less than 36” width in any location. The purpose is to provide a green (easy) trail, which will be primarily used by walkers/hikers, but will also be used by equestrians and beginner-level mountain bikers.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Gregg Berggren

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Carson City

State/Province/Region: Nevada

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date: 5/1/2019

Application Deadline: 2/1/2019

Additional Project Bid Information: Project must be completed by September 30, 2019.

Bid Packet


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