Build and Refurbish MTB Trails in MN
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: Redhead MTB Park 2024 Trail Work
Project Solicitation Number (if any):
Project Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to evaluate and select qualified natural surface trail building contractors (i.e., Builders or Contractors) to build and refurbish trails of various types and levels of difficulty. This RFP is for Phase 1 of the proposed 2024 Redhead project. Additional RFPs may be issued in the future for additional Phases of the overall Redhead project plan. The City of Chisholm, Minnesota is seeking proposals from qualified interested parties (Trail Builders) to provide construction services for the Redhead MTB Park which consists of a current system of 25 trail miles and one trailhead. The City of Chisholm plans to extend or refurbish up to 12 additional miles in 2024-2025. The project is located in Chisholm, Minnesota at 1005 Discovery Drive.
RFP available at: City of Chisholm Website:
RFP deadline: April 19, 2024 Contact: Bridgit Maruska 218-969-6408
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: City of Chisholm
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Bridgit Maruska
Email Address:
Closest City to Project: Chisholm
State/Province/Region: MN
Country: United States
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: April 04, 2024
Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 2:30 PM
Anticipated Project Start Date: June 01, 2024
Application Deadline: May 3, 2024*** (updated from April 19th)
Additional Project Bid Information: This project includes the construction or refurbishment of approximately 12 trail miles. Trails are identified in conceptual plans attached. Trails to be added (along with a preliminary description and approximate mileage) are:
• 0.8 mile of new adaptive,
• 3.1 miles of new intermediate and advanced gravity flow/jump lines, including approximately
o 0.7 mile intermediate (blue) climbing trail
o 0.1 mile of expert (double black) downhill trail
o 0.5 mile of advanced (black), technical downhill trail
o 0.7 mile of advanced (black), flowy downhill trail
o 1.1 miles of intermediate (blue), flowy downhill trail
• 4.6 miles of new intermediate (blue) flowy cross-country,
• 0.6 mile of new advanced downhill infill trails,
• 1.2 miles of widening an existing beginner trail to adaptive, and
• 2.1 miles of enhancements and new extensions to existing intermediate and advanced trails (for safety and flow)
This RFP is specific to the above 12 miles, but more RFPs will be going out in the coming months for additional trail work at Redhead MTB Park, so trail builders bidding on this will have opportunity to bid on more packages.
Date Submitted to PTBA: March 20, 2024
Redhead MTB Park RFP downloadable files located here:
Redhead MTB Park RFP downloadable files located here also:
RFP City of Chisholm Redhead MTB Park.pdf APPENDIX_1_Proposed_Contractor_Trail_Development_Map_2024_(LCCMR).pdf APPENDIX_2_Professional_Trail_Builders_Price_Schedule.xls APPENDIX_3_Budgetary Worksheet.xlsx APPENDIX_4_GMRPTC_IMBA-WEB_compressed.pdf APPENDIX_5_DNR_TRAIL_PLANNING_DESIGN___DEVELOPMENT_GUIDELINES.pdf APPENDIX_6_GQTE_Digital_Book_Rev_6.11.18_Low_Rez.pdf APPENDIX_7_MDHR_WORKFORCE_CERTIFICATE_INFORMATION_FORM.pdf