Universally Accessible Trail Design and Construction in ME
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: West Side Trail Extension Project
Project Solicitation Number (if any): RTP2226
Project Description: Constructing approximately 4,800 linear feet of new Universally Accessible (UA) trail on the powerline corridor between West Elm Street and Hillside Street in Yarmouth, ME. Work includes minor trail layout; grading and grubbing; installation and compaction of multiple layers of aggregate; drainage work along trail edges; installation of HDPE pipe culverts; placement of fill along trail edges; and the staging of aggregate in specified areas along the trail route to be used for future maintenance by the Town. The installation and proper removal of temporary wetland and stream crossings and erosion and sedimentation controls according to Best Management Practices (BMP’s) will be necessary, as required by Local, States and Federal agencies and Central Maine Power Company’s Vegetation Management Plan governing work within the power line corridor.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Town of Yarmouth, ME
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Erik Donohoe
Email Address: edonohoe@yarmouth.me.us
Closest City to Project: Portland
State/Province/Region: ME
Country: United States
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: December 21, 2023
Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 10:00 AM
Anticipated Project Start Date: June 01, 2024
Application Deadline: January 11, 2024
Additional Project Bid Information: The West Side Trail Extension Project is partially funded by a Federal Highway Grant, administered by the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands under the Recreational Trails Program, Project Number RTP2226.
Date Submitted to PTBA: December 14, 2023