Construction of a 2001-foot universal access trail in Maine
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: ADA trail construction Sanford (ME) Community Forest
Project Solicitation Number (if any):
Project Description: Three Rivers Land Trust is seeking the services of a qualified professional firm to construct a 2,001-foot universal access trail at Sanford Community Forest in Sanford, ME, according to prepared engineering specifications. Trail trail passes through a young forest to a meadow where programming is planned. The average grade is just under one percent and the maximum grade is 5.75%. A thirty-foot puncheon is planned.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Three Rivers Land Trust
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Lee Burnett
Email Address:
Closest City to Project: Sanford
State/Province/Region: Me
Country: USA
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: February 28, 2014
Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 9:00 AM
Anticipated Project Start Date: May 01, 2024
Application Deadline: March 12, 2014
Additional Project Bid Information: Bids for the construction project will be received by Three Rivers Land Trust, PO Box 295, Alfred, ME 04002. Any bid postmarked on or before March 12, 1924 will be opened.
The project includes the following work as shown in the contract documents:
The ADA Trail at Sanford Community Forest is a 2,001-foot loop trail that accesses a recently prepared meadow where programming will occur. The route will provide access to several side trails and two picnic pads. This route is part of a larger planned accessible trail corridor that, when finished will provide three quarters of a mile of surfaced trail. The ground is rolling with a couple of steeper banks. The forest has good crown cover with mixed deciduous and conifer stands. The trail will support snow sports including snowshoes, and cross country skiing. The average grade is just under one percent and the maximum grade is 5.75%. A thirty-foot puncheon is planned to cross a severely rutted twitch trail and will allow a cross drain to flow more naturally. The route is envisioned as a six-foot-wide smooth, easy, and sustainable surface.
The plan calls for smoothing surfaces, and providing fills to taper and raise the tread between undulation. Trail width is 6’. A 6” deep base layer of 1 ½” crushed stone will be used as a base for a 6” layer of ¾” crushed gravel and 2” of 3/8” finish gravel. Two 12’x 15’ gravel pads for picnic tables are planned along a short loop in the new field. Earthwork including grubbing, grading, and filling will be completed using a tracked loader, vibratory roller and excavator. Surface will be compacted, reseeded, and provide a firm, stable surface. Geotextile fabric will be layered under the gravels and where required.
Pre-bid Conference (optional)
A Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Walk will be held at Sanford Community Forest (immediately opposite 440 Oak Street, Sanford) at 9 a.m. Feb 28 2024. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting and site walk is optional. The route is flagged and can be viewed at any time.
Question Submission Deadline
Questions should be submitted to Lee Burnett at by March 5, 2024.
Special Instructions to Bidders
The ADA Trail at Sanford Community Forest is funded by a Federal Highway Grant,
administered by the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands under the Recreational Trails Program.
Three Rivers Land Trust hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be
afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, and no discrimination shall
be made on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, disability,
medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, of such persons.
Contractor must show a demonstrated commitment to being an equal opportunity employer.
A bid security, performance bond and payment bond shall be required. No contract can be awarded or work begun until after the project agreement between the state and Three Rivers is fully executed. It is currently pending.
The land trust may waive any informalities or minor defects, or reject any or all bids if it is in the
best interest of the land trust to do so.
Three Rivers is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
A map, photos and additional information can be found at the link below
Date Submitted to PTBA: February 13, 2024