Roanoke County RFP 2023-006 Mountain Bike Trail Rehabilitation and Construction

Project Solicitation Number (if any): 2023-006

Project Description: Roanoke County is requesting sealed proposals from qualified vendors to provide rehabilitation and construction consultation at Explore Park's mountain bike trails. A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 3:00 PM on July 25, 2022 at the Arther Taubman Center at Explore Park. Further information and the full RFP document is available on the Roanoke County website:

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Roanoke County, Virginia

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Kate Hoyt

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Roanoke

State/Province/Region: Virginia

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/25/2022

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 3:0:0 PM

Anticipated Project Start Date:

Application Deadline: 8/5/2022

Additional Project Bid Information: Proposals are due to Roanoke County Purchasing Division no later than 2:00 PM EST on August 5, 2022.

Date Submitted to PTBA: 7/11/2022


Trail Assessment for Adaptive Mountain Bike Accessibility - Bend, OR


Guffey Gorge Design Build Trail - CO