Pocahontas State Park
The Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks is seeking a contractor to provide labor, supervision, materials and equipment to perform specified trail construction at Pocahontas State Park.
Pocahontas State Park is located in Chesterfield County, Virginia, 3 miles west of the Chesterfield Courthouse. The park lies just 20 miles from Richmond, VA and is comprised of 7,919 acres. Pocahontas State Park exhibits a moderate degree of topographical relief. Slopes are slight to moderate ranging from 2 to over 50%. There are approximately 80 miles of trails and fire road ranging from single track mountain bike trails to multi-use trail fire roads. The trails are typically natural surface trails approximately 3-6 feet wide with some partially gravel 8-10 feet wide forest roads and offer a variety of viewscapes and ecosystems.
The trail work described in this scope of work is for 3 corridors of moderate level single track rolling contour trail. The trail locations are accessible from the courthouse road side of the park via loop forest trail and Fendely Station Trail. Refer to Attachment C for locations.