Nature Loop Bridge and Boardwalk Replacement
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: Nature Loop Bridge and Boardwalk Replacement
Project Solicitation Number (if any):
Project Description: The Nature Loop Repair and Enhancement project is located within the Tahoe Donner Association property, within the Trout Creek Watershed. A three 2.5 mile loop is slated for complete rehabilitation and repair in the late summer of 2019.
Design plans have been completed and permits should be attained by April 2019.
The project involves the removal and replacement of two major failing structures, both located in ecologically sensitive wetland habitat:
1.) Bridge - replace a small 8 foot bridge with an 86 foot bridge. This will require concrete footings, and the installation of helical piers within the flood banks of Trout Creek
2.) Boardwalk- The failing boardwalk is approximately 387 feet in length and currently under standing water. The boardwalk design plans call for the use of helical piers, which will need to be installed by a mini excavator.
Further information can be attained by requesting an RFP. RFPs will be due in Feb of 2019
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Tahoe Donner Association - Truckee, CA
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Christina Thayer
Email Address:
Closest City to Project: Truckee
State/Province/Region: CA
Country: United States
Pre-Bid Meeting Date:
Pre-Bid Meeting Time:
Anticipated Project Start Date: 7/15/2019
Application Deadline: 2/1/2019
Additional Project Bid Information:
(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)