McCarran Ranch Trail Rehab

Project Title: McCarran Ranch Trail Rehab

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: Maintenance and improvement of the Trail system at the Nature conservancy's McCarran Ranch. Proposed work includes installation of culverts, trail restoration, repair, new trail construction (2758 LF), and Aggregate surfacing. The existing Trail at McCarran Ranch is 5.16 miles long and can be accessed from multiple points along its length using private access roads within the preserve. The majority if trail in the project is bicycle class 3 with some sections of class 4 and on existing dirt roads.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: The Nature Conservancy, Nevada Field Office. Reno

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Christoffer Sega

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Reno

State/Province/Region: NV

Country: USA

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date: 6/1/2019

Application Deadline: 11/1/2018

Additional Project Bid Information: Seeking qualified bidders


Wildlands Hillside Trail Relocation and Restoration Project


Rush Trail Extension Phase 1