Kennett Township Pennock Trail

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: Kennett Township Pennock Trail

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kennett Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania will accept sealed bids for the Kennett Greenway: Parrish-Whittle (North) & Pennock Park Trail System Project. Bids will be received online via the PennBid Program until March 27, 2019 at 1:00 p.m., at which time, proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Kennett Township Municipal Building, 801 Burrows Run Road, Chadds Ford, PA 19317.

A pre-bid conference will be held on March 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Kennett Township Building. All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend. Final questions are due on March 13, 2019 no later than 12:00 p.m. 

All Bid Documents and details are available at no cost online at

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Kennett Township

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Michael OBrien

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Kennett Square

State/Province/Region: PA

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/6/2019

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 10:0:0 AM

Anticipated Project Start Date: 5/1/2019

Application Deadline:

Additional Project Bid Information: All Bid Documents and details are available at no cost online at

(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)


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