John Day Bike Park

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: John Day Bike Park

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: Grant County Economic Council (GCEC) and Eastern Oregon Trail Alliance (EOTA) are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations seeking to 1) increase the economic climate of Grant County and 2) enhance the recreational opportunities in Eastern Oregon. GCEC and EOTA seeks to construct a mountain bike skills area and a joining mountain bike trail on 11 acres adjacent to the current 7th Street Park complex in John Day, Oregon. 
The skills area will be less than one acre and contain pre-made, installed bike features and a concrete pump-track. The skills area will also contain a shade structure, signage and trail head for the greater bike trail. 
The bike trail shall be on the remaining 10 acres and shall contain easy to moderate single-track trail measuring 1 ½ to 2 miles in total length with occasional created features and obstacles.  
Project Proposal:
Contractors will be considered on a weighted scale balancing experience, project capability, timeline availability, and price.
Please contact to receive a proposal package.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Grant County Economic Council/Eastern Oregon Trail Alliance

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Mytchell Mead

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: John Day

State/Province/Region: OR

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 5/23/2017

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 9:0:0 AM

Anticipated Project Start Date: 6/15/2017

Application Deadline: 6/7/2017

Additional Project Bid Information:


(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)


Yonah Preserve Trail Construction – Phase 2


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