Ensign Peak Trail
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: Ensign Peak Trail
Project Solicitation Number (if any): Job No. 272601
Base Bid: Contractor to construct a multi-use trail below the ridgeline northwest of Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City, Utah, not to exceed 2,500 lineal feet. Trail must be built to conform to IMBA sustainable construction standards. Trail shall be constructed at an average grade of 8% and will be a natural-surface trail, constructed with a 4' wide bench.
Bid Alternate No. 1: Contractor shall widen an existing 2-foot wide bench trail in the vicinity of Ensign Peak to a 4-foot wide bench trail, maintaining existing grades and contours and improving switchbacks as necessary to retain mellow turning platforms. Trail length to be improved not to exceed 2,500 lineal feet.
Bid Alternate No. 2: Contractor shall construct an additional 5,000 lineal feet of trail in the vicinity of Ensign Peak.
Construction Guidelines/Specifications: Trail grades will be constructed so as to never exceed half the grade of the hillside that the trail traverses, in order for water to sheet across the trail rather than run down the trail. Trail will be slightly out-sloped consistent with IMBA standards, and will incorporate grade reversals and rolling contours to mitigate trail erosion. Trail will utilize natural landscape features for aesthetic impact and to discourage short-cutting. Trail switchbacks will allow for broad corners with grade friendly entries and exits, coupled with mellow turning platforms that provide for good transitions. Switchbacks should be visually appealing, with an emphasis on user-friendly corners, which will help improve the likelihood that trail users will stay on the trail. Switchbacks may require significant soil movement and utilization of small retaining walls in some locations.
Salt Lake City will provide trail location and siting information, to be adjusted by contractor as necessary to meet required specifications.
General Construction Notes: Trail Tread Width: 48'' wide bench, full-bench trail construction.
Surface: Native material, nature surface trail.
Obstacles: 8'' maximum height and very uncommon.
Target Grade: 8%
Maximum grade for short pitches: 15%
Maximum pitch density: No more than 5% of total trail distance.
Target Cross Slope: 4%.
Maximum Cross Slope: 10%
Clearing Height: 10'
Clearing Width: 72''
Switchbacks: 4' - 8' radius, as conditions allow.
All equipment used on the project must have a width of not more than 48''.
Bid Evaluation: Items below to be received from low bid contract after bids are opened. After evaluation by Owner low bid could be rejected.
1. All bidders must provide examples of three (3) similar projects completed by the contractor, including specifications, photos, references, and describe how they mitigated environmental disturbance for each project.
2. All bidders should provide information about relevant affiliations, such as the Professional Trail Builders Association or similar.
3. A list of all equipment (make, model, year, and width) to be used on the project must be provided with bid for approval.
4. A list of all equipment operators with hours of experience with each piece of equipment must be supplied with bid.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Salt Lake City Corporation
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Ronald Salisbury
Email Address: ronald.salisbury@slcgov.com
Closest City to Project: Salt Lake City
State/Province/Region: Ut
Country: United States
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/28/2017
Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 10:0:0 AM
Anticipated Project Start Date: 6/1/2017
Application Deadline: 4/5/2017
Additional Project Bid Information:
(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)