Cowboy Trail Development - Rushville to Hay Springs - NE

Project Description: Construct decking and railing for bridges along the Cowboy Trail between Rushville, NE and Mile Marker 400. Surface the trail starting from Station 5581+99.6, near the intersection of US Highway 20 and NE Highway 87 one mile west of Rushville, NE, to Station 6875+85 near Mile Marker 400. Unit Price per mile increment. Total quantity installed to be selected by NGPC, based on project budget, between 1 to 24 miles. The bid will be evaluated based on the total quantity selected.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Alex Duryea

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Rushville

State/Province/Region: NE

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date: 3/1/2023

Application Deadline: 2/8/2023

Additional Project Bid Information:

Date Submitted to PTBA: 1/19/2023


Park City Dirt Jump Park Redesign and Build - Notice of Request for (Non-bid) Proposals


Yellowstone Kelly Heritage Trail – Plan for Recreational Trail Amenities and Bike Skills Features