Central Oregon Trail Alliance-Crook County Chapter
To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public
Project Title: Prineville Oregon 66 North expansion
Project Solicitation Number (if any):
Project Description: This project is for 3-4 mountain biking skills PODS that will flow along side a single track MTB trail. The bid is not for the trail itself. These pods will consist of natural material, wood features, and metal ideally. They will likely need some engineering. Each pod should have its own bid attached. Meaning we would like a price per pod please. We are looking for fun, fresh ideas. To further describe the setting. This follows sandy, rocky, surface in high desert. We have a 200 ft corridor to work with and the pods will need to flow along the trail. Realistically, they should be designed longer, not wide, as this will work better given the space. The trail is not yet set and is open to accommodate the pods. We have approval from the land manager and a grant that is approved to start this project, but do anticipate more financing will be needed for completion and that is the reason to have each bid separately.
This is the written proposal but since has been approved officially by the County and verbally from the State.
Crook County COTA is seeking approval (and is now mostly approved) to build a trail system on the Oregon State property and a trail on the Crook County property, located on the north side of Hwy 126 overlooking Prineville. This new trail system would complement the existing trail system that is located on 266 acres of State Park and County property located on the south side of Hwy 126 and adjacent to the property included in this proposal. This new trail system will include green (easy), blue (moderate difficulty), and black (most difficult) trails.
COTA proposes to assume maintenance on existing trails, as well as organize and consolidate the existing trails into a cohesive trail system network. COTA also proposes partnering with Crook County Parks and Recreation for liability and management of the Crook County property. This new trail proposal will add at least 3-4 new trails, roughly detailed on the map, to the Oregon State property. COTA would like to add a trail to the Crook County property, following the ridge line, that will include 3-4 bike skills pod areas adjacent to the trail. The bike skill pods would be progressive in ability, longitudinally, from south to north. COTA is also proposing a pod area at the top of the state park, creating a more robust park-like setting, detailed in picture examples of similar pods.
For POD ideas, pictures and further details please email me and I will send you the exact proposal, pictures of ideas, and maps. All approved pods, at this time, are located on the Crook County property and not State Park property. I have not found pre-bid meetings overly helpful but will meet with you on an individual basis, offering the same information to all builders equally.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Central Oregon Trail Alliance-Crook County Chapter
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Amber or Jesse Toomey
Email Address: Am.moon8@gmail.com
Closest City to Project: Located in Prineville
State/Province/Region: OR
Country: USA
Pre-Bid Meeting Date:
Pre-Bid Meeting Time:
Anticipated Project Start Date: 5/1/2019
Application Deadline: 4/30/2019
Additional Project Bid Information: The start date is negotiable. When looking through bids, to provide a blind process, we ask that you have little to no identification written into the bid itself. If you have identifying factors written throughout the bid we remove these, leaving the bid choppy and difficult to read. Our intention is that the selection is non-partial and based on the information in the bid alone, not the builder.
Please provide past projects and 3 professional references. Must carry bond insurance.
A special note---This project will involve volunteer services. We have a small group of volunteers that are highly developed in trail building, still on the amateurs side, but will be intimately involved. They are also professionals in general, well educated, rich with ideas, and intelligent. They are people who have spent several years building trails, and will not be new volunteers. If you do not feel this is a good fit for you, please do not bid, as this will not be a good fit for either of us. This is important enough to our group that it will be the highest level of consideration when reading the bid. So please detail exactly how you have worked with volunteers. To address potential concerns on your part. No you will not be training them and yes the people working with you will be selected based on previous experience. The expectation is open idea sharing, communication, and teamwork.