Atwood Park Silent Sports - Phase 1, Rockford, IL

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: Atwood Park Silent Sports - Phase 1

Project Solicitation Number (if any): 18-2187

Project Description: This project includes the construction of 4.5 miles of natural surface, multi-purpose trails, a 24 space trailhead parking lot, and water service with bike wash station within Atwood Park. This work is phase 1 of a trail system to be developed at this location. The trails included in this phase will be multi-use with some bike optimization elements. Future phases will include bike only trails and amenities. Parking lot construction includes vegetation removals, site grading, storm drainage, asphalt paving, and turf establishment. The new water service includes a new well, solar powered well pump system, piping, concrete flatwork and vault structure installation, and installation of bike wash and bottle filling station.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Rockford Park Disctrict

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Debbie Brooks

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Rockford

State/Province/Region: Illinois

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/18/2018

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 10:0:0 AM

Anticipated Project Start Date: 11/12/2018

Application Deadline: 10/3/2018

Additional Project Bid Information: The bid package can be obtained by logging onto and following the subsequent guidelines:

 Under the heading of “Rockford Park District Invitation for Bid Postings”, select the Demandstar by Onvia button. This will link you to where the Rockford Park District’s bids are posted. Find Bid No. 18-2187– Atwood Park Silent Sports – Phase 1, in the list of bids, and select Download/Order from the Actions column. Demandstar members will go directly to the Create Profile link. Non-members will be directed to a Purchase page, where you will be prompted to give your major credit card information. There is $5.00 document fee for non-subscribing vendors. Any subsequent addendums or bid documents will be free of charge. You will then be allowed to download the bid.
 Select the Create Profile hyperlink. Please fill this page out completely.
 Accept Onvia’s Terms and Conditions.
 Download the desired document.

(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)


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