Athens Bicycle Club

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: RFP for Master/Design Plan for Mountain Bike Trails in Wayne National Forest Ohio

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: The Wayne National Forest (WNF) is in Southeast Ohio and is comprised of three land units: Athens, Marietta, and Ironton. The proposed project area is on a section of land currently known as the Bailey Tract in the Athens Ranger District. The Bailey Tract is approximately 6,000 acres (see maps below) that has been set aside for mountain bike trail development. The tract of land is southeast of Nelsonville, OH and northwest of Athens, OH, with the communities of Chauncey, Millfield, Buchtel, Doanville, and New Floodwood directly adjacent . 

We are looking for a professional trail design company with experience working on large-scale projects with multiple stakeholders including the USDA Forest Service. The company should have expertise in master plan development, sustainable trail design, and sustainable trail building to create a master/design (master plan) for the Bailey Tract. We are looking for the plan to include approximately 100 miles of trails with approximately 30 miles to be part of the initial build (Phase One). 

The project is being developed in partnership with multiple organizations, including the Wayne National Forest, Athens Bicycle Club, Athens County Visitors Bureau, Ohio University Recreation Studies Program, and the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA). Our group’s goal is to have a purpose-built trail system that can serve as a regional destination for mountain biking (MTB) and other non-motorized activities, excluding equestrian use. To our group’s knowledge, there are few purpose-built trails in Ohio and none of this size. The closest trail systems that we are aware of include Brown County in Indiana (4 ½ hours away) and Raystown Lake in Pennsylvania (5 hours away). In addition, we are hoping to use this trail system to catapult the area into an IMBA Ride Center. There are already approximately 45 miles of MTB trails within 20 minutes of the Bailey Tract; the area is also within close proximity to the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway, and a short distance to both Athens and Nelsonville, OH.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Athens Bicycle Club

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Danny Twilley

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Athens and Nelsonville

State/Province/Region: OH

Country: USA

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: //

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: :: AM

Anticipated Project Start Date: 11/1/2016

Application Deadline: 8/15/2016

Additional Project Bid Information: Please contact me for the official RFP. We are excited about the project and hope you will submit a bid to work with us on creating a great trail system in a beautiful part of the country. Please note that submissions are due by midnight on August 15th 2016. If for some reason you cannot meet the submission deadline please let me know ASAP. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via email ( or phone (410-708-7254). We look forward to hearing from you.

Danny Twilley

Download the RFP


Maryland Park Service


County of Warren, VA