2.8 mile Segment of Fonta Flora State Trail
Project Title: 2.8 mile Segment of Fonta Flora State Trail
Project Solicitation Number (if any): N/A
Project Description: Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina is requesting qualification submittals from professional and experienced trail builders to construct a 2.8 mile segment of the Fonta Flora State Trail in Old Fort, NC. The entire Fonta Flora State Trail will extend from downtown Morganton, NC to downtown Asheville, NC. The planned 2.8 mile section of this trail, in Old Fort, NC, will be a natural surface trail that will provide recreational opportunities for hikers and mountain bikers in a mostly forested, rural setting.
The trail will be constructed following sustainable trail standards to minimize erosion and require minimal maintenance. The average trail width will be five feet and overall average trail grade will be 10% or less.
Trail construction includes but is not limited to the following tasks: clearing, grubbing, excavation, back sloping, deberming, compacting, and construction of grade dips, grade reversals, climbing turns, rolling crown switchbacks, and retaining walls.
The trail shall be sustainable, constructed to minimize erosion, and require little maintenance. Water shall be able to roll off the trail via grade reversals and grade dips. While the trail shall be five feet wide where possible, it should maintain a narrow appearance.
The contractor is not responsible for permitting and/or environmental approval.
All work done on this trail shall follow the specification and standards listed below:
Tree Cutting:
•Avoid removal of trees with a diameter at breast height (dbh) greater than 12” when possible to do so.
•Stumps on the trail tread shall be completely removed, including the root ball, and placed at least 30 feet from the edge of the trail corridor.
•Trees removed from the trail corridor shall be cut flush with the ground.
Brush Removal:
•Trail corridor shall be approximately 8 feet wide. (1 ft on downhill side of the trail tread and 2 ft on uphill side of tread).
•Trail corridor shall be at least 8 feet high.
•The trail corridor shall be cleared of all limbs, brush, vines, and vegetation. All branches shall be cut just outside of the branch collar to promote sealing of the wound.
•Vegetation cut from the trail corridor shall be moved at least 30 feet from the edge of the 8 foot trail corridor with the cut end facing away from the trail.
•Brush shall not be placed in piles. It shall be spread out in a way that appears natural.
Tread Construction:
•Tread shall be approximately 5 feet wide, where possible.
•Mechanized equipment shall not have a footprint that exceeds the width of the tread.
•Trail shall be constructed with a full bench cut on the back slope that smoothly transitions to the hillside.
•Tread shall be outsloped 3-5% to encourage water to roll downhill.
•Small vegetative and/or root matter in the tread shall be removed. Large feeder roots shall be covered with soil to raise the tread above the roots.
•The tread shall have a compacted mineral soil surface. Compaction shall be completed using a mechanized tamper such as a vibrating plate compactor. The trail shall be shaped to a smooth, uniform surface.
•Excavated material shall be evenly distributed downhill of the trail tread to avoid forming a berm on the outer edge of the tread.
•Contractor shall complete these finishing techniques every 500 feet of new trail construction.
•Trail constructed within 100 feet of streams shall be completed and stabilized by the end of each work day.
Trail Grades:
•Grade reversals and grade dips shall be constructed to remove water from the trail tread. All needed grade reversals and/or grade dips will be done according to IMBA standards as specified in their book Trail Solutions.
•Grades shall not exceed an overall average of 5%. In instances where the terrain requires a slope of 10% for short distances, grade reversals/dips will be required within 10 feet of the top of the slope and along the trail tread as necessary.
Climbing Turns:
•All needed climbing turns shall be designed and constructed according to IMBA standards as specified in their book Trail Solutions.
•Grade reversals shall be located immediately before and after the turn.
Rolling Crown Switchbacks:
•All needed rolling crown switchbacks shall be designed and constructed according to IMBA standards as specified in their book Trail Solutions.
•Switchbacks shall have a near level turning platform that is slightly crowned. The upper leg should be in-sloped at 5 % and shall create a drain extending well beyond the platform. The lower leg should be out-sloped at 5% for proper drainage. Grade reversals shall be located immediately before and after the switchback.
•Retaining walls shall be carefully built to ensure stability of the platform and the lower leg of the trail. All fill material shall be thoroughly compacted. If dense vegetation is not present, barriers such as logs, large stones, or brush shall be placed inside the switchback to prevent users from short cutting the switchback.
The following information should be included in each submitted proposal:
1.Cover Letter
2.Qualifications and Experience (years in business, number of staff, equipment to be utilized, experience, etc.) Please note if your company is a member of the PTBA
3.Identify at least 3 examples of work in process or constructed within the past 2 years.
4.Availability (when can your company start this project and how long will it take)
5.Please provide 3 references from projects your company has completed.
Note: Additional information is appreciated, but the entire submittal should not exceed 10 pages.
**Companies submitting RFQs should not expect compensation for submittal.
Construction of new trail (approximately 15,000 ft.) @ $ ________/ft. = $ ___________
Selection of contractors for this project will be based on an evaluation of factors including qualifications, experience, availability, and references. Contractors must demonstrate a history of successful trail construction in a timely manner. The final decision will be made by Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina’s Board of Directors.
Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina
Primary Contact for Contract Information: Brittany Watkins
Email Address: bwatkins@foothillsconservancy.org
Closest City to Project: Old Fort
State/Province/Region: North Carolina
Country: United States
Anticipated Project Start Date: 5/1/2020
Application Deadline: 4/1/2020
Date Submitted to PTBA: 1/31/2020