Audrey Nelson, PhD, Nelson Communications

Audrey Nelson, PhD., is an international trainer, key-note speaker; author and consultant who helps organizations increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies. She specializes in gender communication, unconscious bias, inclusion, conflict management, generational and interpersonal communication skills. Audrey has provided training to the Forest Service for 25 years through their Exploring Leadership program. She holds a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Communication with Post Doctorate work at Warnbrough College, Oxford, UK.

As part of our professional development series, Audrey will present three sessions at the 2019 Sustainable Trails Conference:

The Art of Conscious Communication

There is a direct correlation between how you communicate and your overall success both at work and home! You cannot not communicate; everything you say or do sends a message. Today’s technology such as email, Twitter, and the Internet has made communication faster and more accessible. Telecommunication is a misnomer; we’ve lost the human moment. Additionally most of us operate on automatic in The first five seconds: There is no dress rehearsal for a first impression!  Additionally, our everyday face-to-face communication. This highly interactive program brings communication into consciousness and supplies tools to help you send the message you want.

Dealing with Difficult People

You may call them “inhuman resources.” They are difficult people. Dealing with them is a challenge and often leads to feelings of hopelessness and frustration. This presentation will identify tactics for disarming games and contentious tactics including manipulation, blame, sabotage and bullying will be emphasized.

Women in Trailbuilding Forum

Audrey will facilitate this interactive session with women leaders in trailbuilding, who represent private and public land managers.


Robin Brown, Executive Director, Grand Junction Economic Partnership