Rigging for blow downs and hung up trees
1.5 Day Workshop
Dates:Wednesday, March 28 (afternoon only)
Thursday, March 29, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (lunch included)
Cost: $235
Instructors: Robert Fina, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club & Martha Becton, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
Workshop Details
• Removal of leaning, broken, and hung up blow downs is a reality of trail maintenance.
• Traditional methods of cutting section by section are relatively dangerous as the sawyer is under the unstable and often unpredictable tree as the cutting is done.
• The use of rigging gear removes the operator from the danger area as the tree is brought down.
• Rigging gear is light weight; a two person team can carry the necessary rigging and saw gear.
The course will cover:
1. Safety considerations
2. Assessment of the blowdown and planning for the project.
3. Use of the throw line
4. Knots
5. Setting the pulling line
6. Selecting an anchor
7. Slings and shackles
8. Set up and use of the rope puller
9. Snatch blocks
10. Understanding working load limits
11. Communication between sawyer and rigger
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn how to assess a problem blow down and identify safety issues
2. Learn rope techniques and knots
3. Learn safe rigging techniques