Town of Charlotte VT - Portion of Village Loop Trail, South of Ferry Road

Project Description: 

The Town of Charlotte is requesting bid proposals from trail construction contractors to build a portion of an existing, unimproved town trail called the “Village Loop Trail” located within easements south of Ferry Road, approximately 1,250 feet in length. Approximately 378 feet of the trail is to consist of puncheon which is to be constructed and installed by the contractor. Construction will also involve the installation of culverts at specified locations, the laying of crushed stone, and the removal of primarily invasive woody vegetation.

The Request for Bids, Bid Form and Trail Design are posted here:

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Town of Charlotte, Vermont

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Dean Bloch

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Burlington

State/Province/Region: Vermont


Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date:

Application Deadline: June 12, 2023

Additional Project Bid Information: Proposals are due by 4 p.m. on June 12, 2023. Site visits can be scheduled upon request.

Date Submitted to PTBA: June 05, 2023