RFP: Trail Design, Ramp, Newton Street Park, Colmar Manor, Maryland

Project Description: Anacostiaa Trails Heritage Area, Inc. (ATHA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide professional design services for an elevated wooden ramp that is part of a trail development project on public land in Prince George’s County, Maryland. {FULL RFP: https://anacostiatrails.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/rfp-atha-newton-st-park-colmar-manor-md-5-15-2023.pdf]

ATHA is a private non-profit organization working in Prince George’s County, Maryland to design a replacement pedestrian and bike ramp in the Newtown Street Park area of Colmar Manor Community Park to be part of a new extension of the Anacostia River Trail System between Bladensburg Waterfront Park and Dueling Creek Natural Area. This project is the implementation of the Dueling Creek Heritage Trail Concept Plan (2021) which has broad public and private support including funding public funding. [LINK: 

The land is publicly owned. ATHA has permission to solicit bids for this RFP on behalf of the owners and partners. The contract for services will be between the selected firm and ATHA following all funder-required procurement regulations.
An existing ramp is located in the Newton Street Park area of the Colmar Manor Community Park immediately adjacent to Lawrence Street. 

Designs for an ADA-compliant replacement ramp assuming the removal of the existing ramp are sought. Designs should take into consideration the location of adjacent properties, ADA-compliant slope and materials, and geotechnical conditions of the soil. The remainder of the trail will be designed and constructed outside of this scope. Please see the above-mentioned Concept Plan (2021) for proposed future trail alignments.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Anacostia Trails Heritage Area

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Meagan Baco

Email Address: info@anacostiatrails.org

Closest City to Project: Colmar Manor

State/Province/Region: Maryland

Country: USA

Anticipated Project Start Date: August 01, 2023

Application Deadline: June 15, 2023

Additional Project Bid Information: Complete but concise proposals should be submitted in electronic format (PDF or download link, ie. Dropbox) to info@anacostiaatrails.org no later than June 15, 2023. [FULL RFP: https://anacostiatrails.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/rfp-atha-newton-st-park-colmar-manor-md-5-15-2023.pdf]

Date Submitted to PTBA: May 15, 2023