Hiking Trail Rebuild in MN

To Whom would you like your solicitation available: Open to the Public

Project Title: Superior Hiking Trail Loops Renewal -- NE Cascade River Loop

Project Solicitation Number (if any):

Project Description: The Superior Hiking Trail Association is seeking proposals to renew a one-mile section of a popular loop hiking trail on the Cascade River, 10 miles west of Grand Marais, MN. The work involved will include structure construction (puncheon, boardwalk, timber steps), tread rehab, and 5 short reroutes from 50 feet to 600 feet in length, totaling just under 1000 feet. The trail is much loved, and the maintenance is much deferred. We hope to complete all of the work during the 2024/25 construction season.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Superior Hiking Trail Association

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Tamer Ibrahim

Email Address: tibrahim@superiorhiking.org

Closest City to Project: Grand Marais

State/Province/Region: Minnesota

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:

Pre-Bid Meeting Time:

Anticipated Project Start Date: July 05, 2024

Application Deadline: January 12, 2024 - extended to January 24th

Additional Project Bid Information: Please refer to the attached RFP, data sheet, and map. If you have any questions, please contact SHTAs Trail Operations Director, listed above.

Date Submitted to PTBA: December 13, 2023

From Superior Hiking Trail Association regarding the updated RFP:


It was brought to my attention that there was a lot of terminology being used in the data sheet, so I have attempted to clarify exactly what is specified.  I took all other terminology out and used "timber box steps" to describe a set of stairs built with 6x6s, stacked and pinned, and either filled or decked, as per the definition in the RFP.  I also removed the term boardwalk from the datasheet, and specified puncheon instead.  Most of the changes are in the datasheet, but I did make some clarifying edits to definitions in the "specifications" section under #3, structure construction.

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Please use this updated RFP exclusively and discard the first RFP that was sent out.