Town of Frisco

Contact Name: Mindy Zablocki

Company/Organization/Agency: Town of Frisco

Address: PO box 4100, Frisco, Colorado 80443 United States

Email Address:

Contact Phone: (970) 668-2563

Job Title: Trails Maintenance Operator Lead

Job Description: This position is responsible for the maintenance, construction and signage of both the summer and winter trail systems at the Frisco Peninsula Recreation Area (PRA). Responsibilities include but are not limited to supervising trail and grooming staff, daily communication regarding trail conditions and maintenance, staffing appropriately to ensure work is completed on time and within budget. The PRA currently has 17 miles of summer and 9 miles of new winter trails mapped and approved for construction. The Lead will work with the PRA Trails Manager to schedule and implement trail construction.

Job Start Date: 5/1/2019

Application Deadline: 4/17/2019

Additional Information: Please note that this is a year-round/10 month position with benefits. Housing is not available for this position.

For more details, and to apply, please visit

(Sent via Professional TrailBuilders Association)