Guffey Gorge Design Build Trail - CO

Project Title: Guffey Gorge Design Build Trail

Project Solicitation Number (if any): 140L1722R0009

Project Description: Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, Colorado State Office, Lakewood, Colorado has a requirement for GUFFEY GORGE DESIGN BUILD TRAIL.

The work includes but is not limited to design and build a safe, traversable walking trail for the public to enjoy the Guffey Gorge Trail, Guffey, Colorado.

1. Visual Resource Management Class II Objectives and landscape preservation shall be included in all design features.

2. Safety of visitors shall be included in all design features.

3. Contractor shall prioritize materials that have long life cycles. The goal is for minimal maintenance for 20 years.

4. Contractor shall prioritize sustainability and environmentally responsible products throughout the design.

The Guffey Gorge trail used to be unregulated area that leaded to misuse and resource damage. The BLM is investing to clean up and restore the area and its reputation.

There are multiple projects underway to upgrade and improve the parking area and trail head as well as this project to improve the steepest section of trail. Guffey Gorge trail starts at the parking lot/trail head and heads 0.5 miles to a natural pool along West Fourmile Creek. The natural pool is great for cooling off in the summer and some visitors even jump into the pool from the surrounding cliffs. The trail is broken into three components:

1. Steep Section #1 – This section of trail is approximnetly 500 feet form the Guffey Gorge Parking lot/trailhead and is less than 0.1 miles. This section of trail has approximately 50+ feet of elevation change. The trail is very steep, sees a lot of foot traffic, does not have a clear path, is too narrow for two people, and has no drainage structures (lots of erosion when it rains).

2. Parking lot/Trail head to base of steep area #1 and End of Steep section #1 to Steep section #2. This section is approximant 0.3 miles and is NOT APART OF THIS PROJECT. The trail is a pretty easy hike with small elevations changes and two creek crossing

3. Steep Section #2. This section is approximately 0.2 miles and goes from the top of the hill to the end of the trail. The trail is very steep, sees a lot of foot traffic, does not have a clear path, is too narrow for two people, and has no drainage structures (lots of erosion when it rains).

This contract will focus on improving Steep Section #1 and Steep Section #2 of trail only

Project Description

1. Contractor shall design and build a sustainable, easy to maintain, walking path that stays within the bounds of the project location as shown on the map. The trail shall be able to accommodate two people; one person walking downhill and one person walking uphill at the same time. The resulting trail shall be approximately 0.1 miles for section one 0.2 miles for section two in length. The Contractor shall build the path to the latest State and Federal Standards for public paths and minimize the disturbance of construction and maintenance.

2. The Contractor shall include at least 1 resting area along the trail and shall be roughly halfway up or down the trail for section two.

3. The Contractor shall install an upper and lower handrail along any part of the trail where the grade exceeds 8%

4. The Contractor can use any combination of man-made and natural elements to achieve the goals set forth in this SOW.

5. The trails shall be designed to withstand a 100 – year storm event. The trails can be built from any combination of man-made structures to natural structures. The trails shall be traversable during spring run-off, rain events, and snow events. The trails shall keep all travelers free from walking through mud. The trails surface shall be easily traversed. The trail shall complement the surrounding landscape with use of colors or materials to blend in and not be distracting of the surrounding landscape.

6. The contractor may want to use stairs in certain circumstances, this is allowed but must be approved by the BLM COR.

7. The contract shall use materials for construction that are designed to last for 20 years or more. Schedule Guffey Gorge trail is open year round but the peak time for visitors is school summer break typically end of May to middle of September. The anticipated schedule would be to have the 100% design approved by 1 March 2023 and have construction of this project completed by 1 June 2023.

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: Bureau of Land Management, Royal Gorge Field Office

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Kris Chesonis

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Guffey

State/Province/Region: Colorado

Country: United States

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/12/2022

Pre-Bid Meeting Time: 10:0:0 AM

Anticipated Project Start Date:

Application Deadline:

Additional Project Bid Information:

Date Submitted to PTBA: 7/2/2022