Design/Build Velomont Trail Vermont

Location: Proposed Velomont Trail between Bingo Rd & Swans Mill Trail in Rochester & Hancock VT located in the Green Mountain National Forest - USFS

RFP Issue Date: July 7th, 2021
Proposal due: 5PM August 11th, 2021
Contractor selected: August 18th, 2021
Trail design/flagging completed: May 1st, 2022
Trail construction start: June 1st, 2022
Trail construction completed: November 1st, 2022


Angus McCusker, Executive Director
Ridgeline Outdoor Collective (formerly known as Rochester/Randolph Area Sports Trail Alliance),
(802) 318-7848
PO Box 56
Rochester, VT 05767

Scope (excerpt from RFP)

This RFP encompasses Segment 3 of the proposed Velomont Trail between Bingo Rd and Swans Mill Trail in Rochester & Hancock, VT. This section of trail is to be built as a single-track trail that is approximately 3 miles long depending on final trail alignment. The contractor shall establish a new trail tread that follows International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) and USFS trail building standards. IMBA trail standards are available at USFS trail building standards are available at In addition to following sustainable trail building practices, the trail tread must be of native mineral soil, with flowy transitions, accessibility in both directions, suitable for novice to intermediate riding skill levels, provide safe walking and running use with mountain bike traffic, and highlight the beauty of the forest. Gradual climbing grades are essential to ensure that the trail climbs are reasonable for those riding with bike packs. The trail should include various natural features that can be ridden through by novice riders or with side lines to ensure that the trail is also fun for the more advanced users.