Coquina Trail Boardwalk, SC

Project Title: Coquina Trail Boardwalk

Project Description: South Carolina State Park Service is the government agency with user community non-profit partner SORBA (Midlands chapter) in a 2021 RTP grant submission to fund construction of ~280' boardwalk on the Coquina Trail sector spanning Shank's Creek in Poinsett State Park as replacement for the original CCC structure that was built during park construction in 1934. The boardwalk then became one of the Park's highlight features for over eighty years and was a primary basis for Poinsett's placement on the National Register of Historic Places in 2016. Damage resulting from the 2015 Millennial rain event flooding was repaired, but the boardwalk was then destroyed by Hurricane Michael flooding in 2018. 

This will be a hybrid project with decking materials and installation by SCSPS and SORBA comprising the RTP grant match. So we are currently soliciting interest and initial estimates for professional services and materials to install pilings, cross ties and stringers for cost comparison of helical v standard piling construction and feasibility of handrail (see attached engineering plans).

Company/Organization/Agency Submitting Contract: South Carolina State Park Service

Primary Contact for Contract Information: Austin Brooks

Email Address:

Closest City to Project: Wedgefield

State/Province/Region: SC

Country: USA

Additional Project Bid Information: Please submit estimates in the attached spreadsheet format for four different construction variants: Utilizing both standard and helical piling systems, with additional cost for handrail. Additional info available upon request. Project site visits recommended and can be scheduled at your convenience.

Date Submitted to PTBA: 1/20/2021

Download Spreadsheet

Download Boardwalk Plans

Download Walkway Model Design